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Nautical Quote:

"Sailing - the fine art of getting wet and becoming ill while slowly going nowhere at great expense. "





Welcome Aboard

Welcome to Navy Yacht Club Pensacola, a member of the Gulf Yachting Association. Club membership is open to all active duty, retired and reserve military personnel from all services, as well as currently employed civilians of the Department of Defense and their dependents.  We recently expanded our membership to allow those who are “legacy” military family members to join (child or grandchild of an honorably discharged member of the Uniformed Services).

Our mailing address is:

Navy Yacht Club Pensacola
PO Box 4422
Pensacola, FL 32507


If you would like to join NYCP, come to the next meeting, and ask for Libby Day, our membership chairperson.

Or, you can download and complete the 2024 membership form, mail it to the address above or copy and save it to your computer, attach it to an e-mail and send to Libby at

NAS Contractor Access Policy

Dan Smith Sailing Scholarship

Navy Yacht Club offers a scholarship for an eligible dependent, between the ages of 10 and 16 to attend a 2-week sailing camp this coming summer. We are in the process of confirming the dates for this year's camps. So check back soon for more information.

Need or Want to Crew?

Are you planning on getting underway to race or cruise around but need some crew to help out? Or maybe you would like to crew for someone. Click on the CREW envelope and send us an e-mail, and tell us what you need.

animated envelope





In February, we will again host our Valentine's Dinner on Tuesday, February 18th.

Valentines 2025 Menu Please RSVP to:

Mia Ottesen
2024 Commodor


What's New

February Foghorn 2/3/25

Assistance Obtaining Access to NAS Pensacola (NASP)

If you need some information or assistance in obtaining a pass to get onboard NASP request some help from us at: .

Items For Sale

NYCP Members can list items they have up for sale on the new FOR SALE page on the website. Send a description (MS Word or PDF) and photo (JPEG) of the item or items, with seller contact information to Ken Pyle at:



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